Sycurio's Jason Comock achieves PCI Security Standards Council ISA Certification

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Sycurio Director of Information Security Jason Comock has successfully fulfilled the Information Security Assessor (ISA) requirements from the PCI Security Standards Council.

This certification means that Sycurio is now a QSA Company and can sign off on certain Payment Card Industry requirements without engaging an external qualified security assessor, reducing external audit time and cost. It also enhances our cybersecurity credibility and adds weight to our consulting capacity.

As part of the certification process, Jason received significant training in the PCI ecosystem and gained knowledge around different ways of solving the issues that can arise around PCI DSS compliance.

Jason has worked across the UK, Europe, and North America, spanning multiple industries. He has deep expertise in integrating secure payment services across diverse environments and building high-performing security functions that support the delivery of B2B and B2C products and services. He currently heads our information security team, where he oversees and manages our information security strategy and ensures compliance with relevant regulations and standards including PCI DSS.