BizReport on how contact center CX is transforming business

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Kristina: How are contact centers being used by business currently?

Gary Barnett, CEO, Semafone: Contact centers are used in many ways, whether it be for technical support, customer service, sales assistance, troubleshooting or purchasing goods/services. Regardless of the specific function of individual contact centers, many are involved with accepting payments or personal identifiable information (PII) in some capacity. Especially over the last year, with the closure of many bricks and mortar organizations and the increased measures put in place to process transactions digitally, more payments than ever before have been processed through contact centers, either over the phone or across digital channels like chat, SMS, web or social media.

Kristina: What issues do contact centers bring to businesses and how can these be mitigated?

Gary: Contact centers had have been in the spotlight over the past year as they became critical to keeping channels open between businesses and their customers during the pandemic. However, already existing issues or risks tied to security and data privacy have been exacerbated due to the growth of remote workforces. Contact centers found themselves in a position where they needed solutions to ensure security and compliance with their now home-based employees, all while keeping, and improving upon, their already existing customer experience.